Compartmentalising emotions (more specifically mine)

I’ve just upped and left a job.

I won’t hide that it’s a toxic place and I probably added fuel to the fire. Still, it was an almost stable job and I felt like I was doing something semi-worthwhile, even if I struggled somedays… Scratch that, most days.

But ever since I’ve severed ties, I find myself dwelling on thoughts that I’d kept buried. I guess freedom is a plague to the ever overthinking mind.

Even my dreams are tormented by crossroads, figurative and literal (never knew that incorporeal crossroads would drive me mad). I have a hard time falling asleep because I know I’ll wake with an unforgiving well of sadness even as a I blink sleep away.

I’m trying. I really am. I know this is meant to be a break so that I can restitch all the pieces of me but still. I can’t help the sinking sensation of stagnation. Of stopping when everything else around me is swayed by time. I’m watching seconds, minutes, hours tick by while sitting.

And I can’t help but be unsettled.

Compartmentalising emotions (more specifically mine)